Grow Smarter Final Conference


Open for everyone with an interest in Smart City solutions
Date: 3 December, 2019
Location: Stockholm
Registration: Registration is full.


Preliminary programme

8:30: Registration and coffee

09:00-09:30: Welcome speeches by Anna König Jerlmyr, Mayor of Stockholm, Dr. Ralf Heinen, Vice Mayor of Cologne and Miquel Rodríguez Planas, Commissioner of 2030 Agenda, Barcelona

09:30-09:50: Introduction by GrowSmarter project coordinator Gustaf Landahl

09:50-10:50: Introduction to Low Energy Districts:

with IREC, Naturgy, RheinEnergie and Stockholm Exergi

11:15-12:15: Integrated Infrastructure: Results and insights:

with the City of Cologne, Cellnex, the Urban Institute and ENVAC

13:15-14:15: Sustainable Mobility: Results and insights

with the cities of Stockholm, Barcelona and Cologne, IREC

14:15-14:45: Follower City Mayors on replication

15:00-18:00: Study trip to GrowSmarter Site

Choose your favourite track

Track 1: Low Energy Districts
  • Presentation of Kylhuset, City of Stockholm
  • Bus ride to Valla Torg
  • Presentation of solutions, results and possibilities to scale-up and replicate in Valla Torg buildings
  • Bus ride to condominia BRF Årstakrönet
  • Presentation of solutions, results and possibilities to scale-up and replicate in BRF Årstakrönet buildings, L&T
  • Bus ride to Stockholm city centre

Partners: Stockholmshem, Skanska, L&T, Fortum and City of Stockholm

Track 2: Integrated infrastructure
  • Visit to a sensor location in Slakthus area
  • Bus ride to Kista IBM Client Centre
  • Presentation of smart connected street environments, smart lighting, AI and big data – results, experiences and possibilities to scale-up
  • Bus ride to Stockholm city centre

Partners: IBM and City of Stockholm

Track 3: Sustainable mobility
  • Presentation of building logistics centre
  • Bus tour on sustainable mobility solutions:
    - Electric car and bike pool
    - Delivery room, Valla Torg
    - Reducing waste related traffic with 90%, Valla Torg
    - Alternative fuels for heavy vehicles
    - Prioritised traffic crossings for clean heavy vehicles
  • Bus ride to Stockholm city centre

Partners: Stockholmshem and City of Stockholm

  • 18:30: Reception and buffet dinner at Stockholm City Hall

    - Welcome to City Hall, Katarina Luhr, Vice Mayor, City of Stockholm
    - Mingle dinnerGuided tour of Stockholm City Hall

More information

Read the full invitiation including hotel information and directions here.