The GrowSmarter project is run by a team of pioneering cities (Stockholm, Cologne, Barcelona, Valetta, Suceava, Porto, Cork and Graz), leading academic institutions, city networks and more than 20 industry partners working hand in hand over five years to ensure the effective implemenation of the 12 smart solutions.
The GrowSmarter project is coordinated by the City of Stockholm.
KTH (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan)
Mr Björn Palm: bjorn.palm@energy.kth.sev
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KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm is the largest technical university in Sweden. It is responsible for one third of Sweden’s technical research and engineering education capacity at university level.
The university is leading on Sweden’s “Smart Sustainable Cities” Strategic Innovation Agenda and is involved in most of the major projects connected to Stockholm’s smart city initiatives. Several national and international competence centres and networks of excellence are located at KTH. These include Smart City SRS, Active House, Live-In-Lab and Climate Neutral Urban Districs in Europe (CLUE).
KTH is also a leading party in three of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology’s new knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC). These aim to increase the EU countries’ global competitiveness through the development of more innovative products for the world market in strategically important areas.
IESE Business School, University of Navarra
Prof Joan E. Ricart:
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The IESE Business school at the University of Navarra is a leading international graduate institution. For over 50 years, the institution has been at the forefront of management education, developing and inspiring business leaders. IESE is recognized in the academic and business world as one of the top global business schools, continually ranking among the top positions in the most prestigious international financial publications like the Financial Times and The Economist.
Two of its research centers are focusing on Smart Cities and urban development: The Public-Private Research Center and IESE Cities in Motion Strategies. At the same time, both centers in conjunction with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) had founded the Specialized Center on PPP for Smart and Sustainable Cities.