Blog updates

Over the course of this five-year project each work-site managers from the Lighthouse Cities provide regular updates on their progress, challenges and lessons learned in implementing the 12 solutions and transitioning to become a smart, sustainable city.

Introducing you to our work site leaders: 


Mika Hakosalo gives you updates from the Stockholm site.

Julia Egenolf shares the latest updates from the Cologne site.

Gonzalo Cabezas keeps you updated on the Barcelona site news.



Stockholm blog: Ending GrowSmarter and heating Stockholm with internet traffic
19 December 2019
Stockholm blog: Ending GrowSmarter and heating Stockholm with internet traffic

In the final days of GrowSmarter our team in Stockholm have been busy telling the world about all the solutions we implemented over the past five years. It has been a great experience with some major highlights. Fir ...

Cologne blog: The future of GrowSmarter’s solutions
19 December 2019
Cologne blog: The future of GrowSmarter’s solutions

The work we have done in GrowSmarter will have a lasting impact on the City of Cologne, but hopefully also far beyond our city limits. The three ‘action areas’ all hold different promises and possibilities for our – and ot ...

Barcelona Blog: Using GrowSmarter solutions to achieve Barcelona’s ambitions
18 December 2019
Barcelona Blog: Using GrowSmarter solutions to achieve Barcelona’s ambitions

The solutions developed in GrowSmarter have made Barcelona smarter and more sustainable, and they have the potential to do the same for Europe. Here in Barcelona, the GrowSmarter team is sure of this and have spent ...