Lightouse city: Cologne

A website about the GrowSmarter project is also available in German on the Koeln site, click here.
Situated on the banks of the river Rhine, Cologne is the fourth largest city in Germany and home to key players in business and industry. The city is committed to abitious goals of achieving reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, increase the the share of renewable energy and increase in energy efficiency.
In order to achieve these goals, Cologne worked closely with local industry. Areas of focus included sustainable mobility, energy efficiency of buildings, low-emission heating facilities and ensuring an integrated infrastructure as the city expands.
In 2018, the Stegerwaldsiedlung area of Cologne's smart district was awarded as being part of 100 Climate Protection Housing Estates in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Which smart solutions did we use?
The smart solutions were implemented in Mülheim, a vibrant area in the North-East of Cologne which is currently undergoing a process of regeneration.
Low Energy District - solutions 1-4
1. Efficient and smart climate shell refurbishment
Factsheet 8: Energy efficient refurbishment of a residential settlement
3. Smart energy-saving tenants
Factsheet 13: Smart Home System - private home energy management system
4. Smart local electricity management
Factsheet 17: Siedlungsmanagement - energy management system at neighborhood level
Integrated Infrastructure - solutions 5-8
5. Smart street lighting
- Factsheet 21: Combined electric charging and street lighting
- Factsheet 23: Smart meter information analysis and actuators
8. Big data management
Sustainable Urban Mobility - solutions 9-12
11. Alternative fuel driven vehicles
12. Smart mobility solutions
How did we do?

Julia Egenolf led the implementation of the 12 'smart solutions' in Mülheim, and shared regular updates from the Cologne site.
“We hope in Cologne that with the GrowSmarter Project, we will be able to find more than just one solution to a single problem.
We would like to develop blueprints for the sustainable development of complete neighbourhoods”, quote from the beginning of the project.
What 'smart' looks like in Mülheim?
Check out what Cologne was up to in this short and informative video!