Valletta's Vision

Valletta views itself as a large laboratory, whose size and unique challenges can be a testing ground for smart city replication. The Maltese Capital is surrounded by fortifications and has a high concentration of residential, administrative and commercial buildings. If the Valletta Region can implement smart solutions successfully, other such small cities may follow.
Read Valletta's Replication Plan to learn more about how Valletta plans to replicate solutions from GrowSmarter.
Needs Assessment
The Valletta region is a centre for administration, business and transport – including the international airport, the principal land transport hubs as well as both the Grand Harbour and the Marsamxetto Harbour which cater for cargo shipment, cruise landings and the Malta-Sicily ferry.
Particular difficulties identified by Transport Malta include:
- Congestion in the city centre
- Difficulty of access
- Local air pollution
12 Smart Solutions
Click on the headings below to find out which of the 12 Smart Solutions Valletta works to replicate:
Sustainable Urban Mobility
9. Sustainable delivery
Integrated multi-mode transport for light goods
Micro distribution of freight
11. Alternative fuel-driven vehicles for decarbonising and better air quality
Developing charging infrastructure
12. Smart mobility solutions
Electrical and cargo bike pool
Mobility hub
Electrical and conventional car sharing
More information
As a follower city within GrowSmarter, Valletta works with Stockholm, Cologne and Barcelona to:
- Explore the use of alternative fuels, including hydrogen and electricity
- Introduce e-bike and e-car sharing projects and schemes focusing on better accessibility within urban centres
- Improve the harbour ferry and water taxi landing sites to encourage a shift away from private passenger cars
- Introduce last mile delivery of goods using clean and energy efficient vehicles within Valletta City
- Increase the role of ITS, particularly within urban centres, to focus on road safety and intermodality
Peter Paul Barbara is leading the replication process for Valletta.