Lighthouse city: Stockholm

A website about the GrowSmarter project is also available in Swedish on the Stockholm City Council site, click here
Sweden’s capital city Stockholm has been working on climate change mitigation and adaption since the 1990s. The city is a real frontrunner, with well implemented climate action plans and pioneering policies to ensure it meets its ambitious environmental targets. For leading the GrowSmarter project, Stockholm won the World Smart City Awards 2019
Stockholm is growing rapidly and sometimes faces challenges of both keeping and developing its unique city character. A key priority is to ensure that Stockholm remains a sustainable city, while offering an attractive and inspiring living and working environment.
Which smart solutions did we implement?
The 12 smart solutions were demonstrated in Årsta, a fast-growing district in the South of Stockholm.
Low Energy District - solutions 1-4
1. Efficient and smart climate shell refurbishment
- Factsheet 5: Smart energy management in a private condominium
- Factsheet 6: Energy efficient refurbishment of public housing area
- Factsheet 7: Energy efficient refurbishment of public tertiary buildings
2. Smart building logistics
3. Smart energy-saving tenants
4. Smart electricity management
Integrated Infrastructure - solutions 5-8
5. Smart street lighting
6. Waste heat recovery
7. Smart waste collection
8. Big data management
Sustainable Urban Mobility - solutions 9-12
9. Sustainable delivery
10. Smart traffic management
- Factsheet 35: Travel demand management app
- Factsheet 36: Traffic signal priority for heavy duty vehicles using alternative fuels
11. Alternative fuel driven vehicles
- Factsheet 37: Charging infrastructure for e-vehicles
- Factsheet 39: Alternative fuel stations for heavy-duty vehicles
12. Smart mobility solutions
What did we do?

Mika Hakosalo led the implementation of the 12 solutions in Årsta, and provided regular updates from the Stockholm site.
Come visit us!
Open study visits:
Stockholm opens up several of its urban development projects' sites, including GrowSmarter.
The study visit present the "World's Smartest City" and serve as an introduction to the activities and smart measures the project implemented in Valla Torg.
The study visits are offered on an ongoing basis and can be booked through the City's booking system. For more information visit the City of Stockholm's page.
Stockholm welcomes home residents after smart city refurbishment
Residents living in Valla Torg, a part of GrowSmarter's testing area in Stockholm, discusses the results of the energy efficient refurbishment.
What will 'smart' look in Stockholm?
Check out what we are up to in this short and informative video!
Which are Stockholm's implemented smart solutions?
Check out some of Stockholm's smart solutions, including smart street lighting, energy refitting of residential buildings and much more!
Stockholm's GrowSmarter solutions addressed by the City Mayor Karin Wanngård
Karin Wanngård, Stockholm's Mayor, discusses Stockholm's future and long-term carbon neutral objectives and smart solutions implemented by the city through the project GrowSmarter.