ACTION AREA 1: Low Energy Districts

Developing low energy districts is the first of 3 action areas on which the GrowSmarter project focused.
The main challenge in ‘Sustainable Districts and Built Environment’ is to reduce energy use, environmental impact and carbon footprint. Our existing building stock plays a major role in energy consumption. This stresses the need for affordable and sustainable retrofit solutions at a large scale. The starting point of the actions was the buildings themselves and the focus on cleverly combining and fine-tuning solutions on the market for existing as well as new buildings and districts.
The Lighthouse Cities have applied a range of smart energy efficiency solutions, you can download the final report for low energy districts, look at the individual factsheets below or find the factsheet booklet full of Low Energy District solutions here.
1. Efficient and smart climate shell refurbishment

Modern houses are highly energy efficient, but one third of Europe’s housing stock was built between 1950 and 1970 when the technologies and materials used now had not yet been developed. By refurbishing these older buildings using new construction techniques, the amount of energy they use can be reduced by up to 75 percent.
Under this solution a number of sub-solutions have been implemented. To find out in which Lighthouse City they have been implemented, the industry partners involved and more details, read the factsheet below.
2. Smart building logistics

Construction materials make up 30-40 percent of goods moved around modern cities. A centralised logistics depot in Stockholm will help cut emissions associated with these journeys drastically, allowing materials to be moved in the most efficient way possible. Using hybrid-electric and ethanol fuelled vehicles will also help reduce emissions.
Under this solution one sub-solution have been implemented. To find out in which Lighthouse City, the industry partners involved and more details, read the factsheet below.
3. Smart energy-saving tenants

Providing information on real-time energy usage and waste levels to tenants is a key tool to help them see and reduce their own environmental footprint. Using this information in pricing will mean that the biggest polluters pay the most, providing further incentives for residents to reduce waste and cut energy consumption.
Under this solution a number of sub-solutions have been implemented. To find out in which Lighthouse City they have been implemented, the industry partners involved and more details, please see the factsheets below.
4. Smart local electricity management

For renewable energy to be really reliable, it can’t be dependent on changing weather conditions. Furthermore, national grids are not always fast enough to respond to local energy needs. By investing in local energy production and storage, all three lighthouse cities will be able to make up localised energy shortfalls and even out peaks and drops in demand.
Under this solution a number of sub-solutions have been implemented. To find out in which Lighthouse City they have been implemented, the industry partners involved and more details, read the factsheets below.