ACTION AREA 3: Sustainable Urban Mobility

Improved mobility for citizens and businesses can make cities could be more attractive and competitive. Tackling congestion, improving air quality, accessibility and sustainability in most cities will require substantial changes in the transport system and operations, and in the mobility behaviour of people and businesses. Too many vehicles in cities are powered by oil, and alternative fuels are under-used. Public and other transport services, timetables and ticketing, and interchanges are not always well connected. Innovation, a re-think of public-private sectors cooperation and how to engage citizens more directly in new mobility systems and services is essential.
The Lighthouse Cities of GrowSmarter applied a range of sustainable urban mobility solutions. You can read the full report on sustainable urban mobility or look at the individual solutions in the factsheets below. You can also find all the sustainable urban mobility solutions in our factsheets booklet.
9. Sustainable delivery

The popularity of online shopping has led to more delivery trucks visiting residential areas with resulting increases in emissions, noise levels and traffic hazards. Smarter, integrated deliveries will cut overall traffic and provide better information on delivery times, while the use of cleaner vehicles will help to reduce local pollution levels.
Under this solution a number of sub-solutions have been implemented. To find out in which Lighthouse City they have been implemented, the industry partners involved and more details, please see the factsheets below.
10. Smart traffic management

Congestion in cities is a major source of delay and frustration for commuters and residents alike, as well as increasing pollution levels and damaging air quality. Cologne and Stockholm are using sensors to monitor traffic patterns, providing citizens with real-time information on travel times and public transport alternatives to help cut their commute.
Under this solution a sub-solution has been implemented. To find out in which Lighthouse Cities it has been implemented, the industry partners involved and more details, please see the factsheet below.
11. Alternative fuel driven vehicles

If we want to overcome our reliance on fossil fuels, a range of alternatives is needed. A key issue with new fuel technologies is the lack of infrastructure to back them up. GrowSmarter invested in charging points and infrastructure to speed up the switch to alternative fuels.
Under this solution a number of sub-solutions have been implemented. To find out in which Lighthouse City they have been implemented, the industry partners involved and more details, please see the factsheets below.
12. Smart mobility solutions

Public transport is great for regular commutes, but what happens when you need to pop to the shops or visit your Aunty Mabel? By testing a combination of bike pools, shuttle services, carsharing schemes and taxi services, our lighthouse cities will work out how to make these personal trips easier without the need to own a car.
Under this solution a number of sub-solutions have been implemented. To find out in which Lighthouse City they have been implemented, the industry partners involved and more details, please see the factsheets below.